
Municipal Energy Efficiency – Does it Really Take a Program?

My first reaction when I noticed a recent whitepaper from the American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy (ACEEE) titled How State Governments Enable Local Governments to Advance Energy Efficiency was - WHAT!  I applaud these programs, but should it really take a national or regional government to put a program in place before a municipality does what it should be doing

Going Beyond Route Optimization

In a previous post, we discussed the benefits of knowing where your vehicles are and what’s happening at the destinations to which they are headed.

Don’t Tell Your PC! – Is Technology Leaving it Behind?

Technology innovation is fueling a corporate trend of delaying the replacement of aging PCs. You heard me – advances in technology are driving corporations to lengthen, not shorten, PC replacement cycles. Counter-intuitive maybe, but a deeper look produces valuable insight into why the corporate PC may be an unintended victim to significant technology innovations.

The Energy Efficiency Revolution

Today’s research provides consensus that enterprise level efficiency measures are extremely cost effective and highly impact conservation efforts.  Historically, government initiatives have not actively promoted sustainability or constituted it as a smart bottom line for business.  However, visionary leaders, such as Vivek Kundra, the first United States Federal Chief Information Officer, have allowed city, county and federal government the ability to find new budget efficiencies.   Mr.  Kundra has been willing to utilize sustainability and advances in technology to

A Better Strategy for Coping with Rising Gas Prices

Although most of us are feeling the effects of the recent spike in gasoline prices, the pain is especially acute for businesses with large vehicle fleets.  With barrel prices over $100, businesses dependent on a fleet of vehicles are desperately looking for ways to decrease their fuel consumption.

Where Did Everyone Go?

There’s a lot of buzz around the office lately about working remotely.  $4 per gallon gas and snowstorms in April probably have something to do with it. We’re tossing around ideas about what our future work environment might look like. One idea is to have a smaller central office for meeting with important customers and prospects, with the majority of employees working remotely most of the time. Another suggestion is to have a few satellite offices (“touchdown spaces”) where employees who live in those parts of the Twin Cities can work.

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